Mon 13 Jan
★ .•:*¨ Results Are Outstanding!!! ¨*:•. ★ .•: - 23
(Springfield, outcall all over/ incall chicopee)
Sun 12 Jan
Amateur Blonde Adult Film Star, Bradley Airport, Incall Specials!! - 28
(Springfield, Bradley Airport)
Leading Adult Film Studio Needs Straight Men (above 18) for Porn Videos & Scenes - 42
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
ItS Saturday ✨come unwind 🌠with 1 or ♊ females✨ Openmind girls gone wild Samantha 774♥ 540♥ 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
Sat 11 Jan
SPECIAL! Time to get FREAKY with the New Cutie on Duty!! OUTCALLS ANYWHERE/INCALLS - 36
(Springfield, Springfield/ West Springfield/ North Ham)
Cristal- Bradley Airport area Well Reviewed! Today Only! Schedule early. 203-559-1303 - 40
* 100 Outcall SpeCiaLs!! * DON'T Miss Your Chance At The Time Of Your Life! ♥* - 23
(Springfield, West Springfield Incalls)
❤ YoUr FaVoRiTe PLaYmaTe❤❤ STUNNING*** ✨ EXOTIC GoDDessES✨Here 4 YouR PLeaSuRe - - 22
(Springfield, Springfield, Ma)
[..☆..]_ T ☆ R ☆ U ☆ E _[..☆..]_ B ☆ E ☆ A ☆ U ☆ T ☆ Y _[..☆..]....32DDs ( . )( . )🙌🙌 - 24
💕 sick of the hassle ❓❔ just want something quick and simple❔❓✨ 2 girls Candace & missy just 📱 awaY - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield)
😍😍SeXy ☆ FrEaKy ☆ 100% REAL PICS ☆ BuStY ☆ BeAuTiFuL ☆ItAliAn ☆😍😍Brand NEW!! - 26
(Springfield, west springfield)
HERE WE COME!!!!! Get ready for us boyz we gonna rock ur wo - 24
(Springfield, Springfield Agawam •••Enfield(in call))
Im N🚫T A Plumber, But I 👅Drain' 🅿️I🅿️Es Well🔧🚿🔨💯👄🙈ⓦⓔⓣ🙊ⓦⓘⓛⓓ🙉 🐰 🔥➜🔥 - 25
(ENFIELD INCALL, Springfield)
Fri 10 Jan
*-:¦:-*~ B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:-*~ ¥ Õ U ® ~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*-:¦:-*~ Ð ® € Â M § ~*-:¦:- - 24
The Girl Next Door has Naughty Secret - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, In town)
SENSUOUS Exquisite Green Eyed Beauty For QUALITY UPSCALE Attentions - 29
(Springfield, Central to Northampton-Springfield)
z__ 2HR SPCL 2*5*0__ CAPTIVATING █ Sexy █ 75% FeTiSh Friendly - 23
:¦:- TOO -:¦:- GOOD -:¦:- TO -:¦:- BE -:¦:- TRUE :¦:- ID: 143545 INCALL/OUTCALL - 23
(IN/ West Sprinield./ Outcall.. CT/MA)
Early bird gets the ........ Welllll we already know. So COME && get it ! 🌷80🌷Specials🌷 - 23
(Springfield, W Springfield/ In call, Surrounding Out!)
Pittsfield ! ! NEW!!! ღ In Town!! ღ Lowest Rates for The Hottest Catch!!!ღ - 33
(Springfield, Incall/Outcall/Pittsfield, Lenox, etc.)
-:¦:-So SWeeT-:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS -:¦:-NeVeR RuSHeD - 26
(Springfield, West Springfield (in call only))
***NORTH MAIN STREET SPA***Dry & Steam Sauna Room*Free Table Shower*Sensul Full Body Rubs~R~E~L~A~X
(Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, 1185 NORTH MAIN ST, PROVIDENCE RI 02904)
mmmnn. voluptuous. hottie extra. busty at ur door outcall - 24
(Springfield, Wherever you are spfld areas or further)
_______ [[[[[[[[[[ FAVORITE ASIAN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE ]]]]]]]]] _____________ - 23
(Springfield, **** west springfield ****)
Thu 09 Jan
💞🌟Italian*🌟 Cutie *🌟Petite🌟 *little*🌟 Bombshell I will Do what your wife wont💖Out Special 🚙 - 26
(Springfield, Windsor locks rt 75 or to you)
[[TREAT]] Yourself ==>> Dont [[CHEAT]] Yourself !! 40 1/4 hour, and 70 half hour special - 24
(Springfield, W. Springfield incall only 7743291146)
ItS WedNeSdAy ✨come unwind 🌠with 1 or ♊ females✨ Openmind girls gone wild Samantha 774♥ 540♥ 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
♡♥♡♥ LeAvInG in A fEw HoUrS~ LaSt ChAnCe~ BloNdE ~ BlUe EyEd ~ ThiCk ~ CuTiE ♡♥♡♥ - 26
(Springfield, chiccopee)
°×°x°× can i come over for some good clean fun!?!?!? mixed race . . . outcals - 26
(out/ ma and ct.)
BacK bY p0puLar DemanD >>.; T_H_E💝_U_L_T_ I_M_ A_T_E💝 R_E_ L_A_X_ A_T_I_O_N 💝💝 - 23
(Springfield, W Springfield/ In call, Surrounding Out!)
10000% REAL INCALL SPECIALS. Sexy busty dominican 24/7 Party doll🎈i travel to CALL me NOW 💦👅💋 - 25
(Pittsfield incall outcalls everywhere, Springfield)
BOOKING TONIGHT! High End Escort for Massage & Fun - 27
(Springfield, Springfield-Northampton Incall/Outcall)
【KiLLєR 💋 CuRvEs】★【perky 💋 B00b's】★【cUτє 💋 FαCє】★【spaNKaBℓε 💋 αSS 】★【ReAdY NOW💋 - 24
(Boston/Camb/Brook, OUTCALLS/IN 24/7)
Wed 08 Jan
♥lets play with each other❕♥ ready to meet the real deal ❔❗❓❕♊ girls available✨ JeSSiCa774 540 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
✨ fantastic Tuesday Specials♥ Let Me relives Your Stress♥ ♊ Girls Available❗❕ Sexy Lexi 774 540 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
💋 ♥ [[ GORGEOUS ]] ▆ 💋 [[ SLIM & PETTITE __ BRAZILIAN ]] ▆ 💋 [ PLAYMAtE ] 💋 - 18
(Springfield, West Springfield)
407-917-7399 SEXXY BLONDE don't waste your time with fake pictures 100% me - 28
(exit 45 Windsor ct, Springfield)
COLD?? WANT to WARM UP?? Then see me, BELLA, and warm up! OUTCALLS and INCALL SPECIALS!!! - 30
(Springfield, incall-Springfield, outcalls- ANYWHERE!)
EXTREMELY BUSY AGENCY - Hiring Companions and Escorts - Earn 7,000k to 10,000k/Week
(Boston, Cape Cod, Springfield, Worcester)
* Outcall SpeCiaLs ALL Weekend! !* Turning Fantasies Into Reality ♥* - 23
(Springfield, Springfield outcalls)
(NEW! )—————— • ASIAN ~ BOMBSHELL • ————— ♥ FUN & SEXY! ♥ ————— • ( AVAiLABLE ! ) • ————— ♥)))) - 20
(Springfield, OUT CALL ONLY)
LookIng fOr a OpEn Minded female To SpeNd time with 2girl TWINS AVAILABLE SEXY LEXI 774 540 0541 - 21
(Springfield, west Springfield)
Tue 07 Jan
* I'll Make Sure You Leave Satisfied ! ♥ Incall SpeCiaLs !!* - 23
(Springfield, West Springfield Incalls & Outcalls)
girls do it better !!! come have a experience of a lifetime - 18
(Springfield, east hartford incalls)
amazing*♡*✨♊ girl specials 100 rose 🌹 hh 🎆 dont miss out be completely satisfieD sam774♥ 540♥ 0541 - 21
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)